A Young Tanzanian Architect

By being a member of the Astro-Science club at Ilboru Primary School, a thirteen years old Izack Kika Tulo has been inspired to create 3D building models using locally available materials. 

The young architecture is detailed enough not to forget key details, including the placement of dustbins, functioning stadium lights,  broadcasting room, display screen, spectators’ bench, VIP rooms, net goals and many more. 

A full-functioning stadium isn’t Izack’s first job, he once created a 3D house out of cardboard that was fully wired with functioning security and interior lights. This work was in the National Competition on Science, Technology and Innovation. Though it did not win, it got him to be even more inspired to come up with this igneous idea of building a stadium.

According to various national education surveys,   there are many students who are unable to read and write at his age and level of education. Surprisingly, this young architect knows how to install functioning electric wiring in a model house and the stadium.

Being a voluntary science educator, I am privileged to have close collaboration with his teacher Mr Eliatosha Maleko who has consistently been helping his children in learning and practising science at an early age. 

If you are moved and wish to support our young architect in his endeavour please get in touch with his teacher through eliatosha@gmail.com or +255 629 589 122.

Students in Tanzania Learn about James Webb Telescope

Happy New Year to you all,
It is our hope that you are doing fine and proceeding well with your daily activities.
We, students from Ilboru Primary School in Tanzania with our teacher in our science club have learned about the James Webb Telescope that started its journey last year on December 25th and finally reached its destination on orbit, where it carries a mission of replacing the Hubble Telescope that was sent from Earth since the 1990s.
Also, students were very very happy to receive the News about the James Webb Telescope that was sent on the space last year and that they were able to see a short recorded video of that telescope when it started its journey to space till it reached its final destination on its orbit system.
Furthermore, students also saw still pictures of the telescopes and they were able to draw some pictures of it and that of the Hubble Telescope.
Students had a lot of follow-up questions following the session. Some of these questions were answered and clarified by the teachers, but there are some that might benefit from your assistance so that they can have good and precise elaboration from different scholars all around the globe. This will enhance their learning curiosity about astronomy and science in general. 
These questions are:-
1. What are the advantages or benefits of James Webb Telescopes to humans?
2. What is the real weight of the James Webb Telescope?
3. We heard from the report that the James Webb Telescope will replace the work of the Hubble Telescope in space but where will that Hubble Telescope go? will it not affect living things when it may fall or blast on the air?
4. We have learned that the Hubble Telescope since it was sent to space is has been about 32 years, do we know how long will James Webb Telescope last in space, before it is brought back to Earth? 
Thanks very much again and also do not forget to comment on students’ drawn pictures.
By Eliatosha Maleko
Science Club teacher at Ilboru Primary School in Arusha.

Udadisi wa Wanafunzi wa Ilboru kuhusu Jua na Nishati yake

Maswali ya udadisi hapo chini kuhusu Jua na Nishati yake yameulizwa na wanafunzi wa shule ya Msingi ilboru mkoani Arusha katika Club ya sayansi baada ya kujifunza kuhusu Nyota ya Jua. Kupitia kipindi hiko wanafunzi pia walichunguza na kulitazama jua kwa kutumia miwani maalumu ya kutazama Jua (Solar Eclipse Shade) pamoja na vifaa vingine kama Solar Prism. 

Unaweza kushirikiana kwa kujifunza pamoja na wanafunzi hawa kwa kujibu maswali hapo chini au kwa kushirikiana nao kwenye mjadala kuhusu maswali haya na mengine. Ili kufanya hivyo unaweza kuwasiliana na mwalimu wao Bwana Eliatosha Maleko kwa kupitia eliatosha@gmail.com

  1. Clara Elirehema aliuliza:

           Hapa duniani yako madini mbalimbali ambayo ni muhimu sana katika kuzalisha vitu mbalimbali, je wataalamu hawaoni umuhimu wa kutumia gesi zitokanazo na jua kama gesi ya Hydrogen ambayo ni zaidi ya asilimia 92, Hellium asilimia 83 zinazounda jua?

  1. Rebeca Abraham aliuliza:

       Je ni vifaa gani hutumika kulichunguza na kulipima jua na je, ni vifaa kutoka mataifa gani?

  1. Caren James aliuliza:

     Tunajifunza kuwa wapo wanasayansi na nchi mbalimbali duniani zilizotumia na kupeleka Satelite angani pamoja na wanasayansi katika Mwezi, Je katika nyota jua wapo wanasayansi waliowahi kwenda na je kwenye nyota jua kuna ardhi kama ilivyo duniani?.

  1. Maliki Abasi aliuliza:

    Upepo wa jua una faida gani kwa viumbe hai au madhara gani ikiwa utafika duniani?.

  1. Neema Florence aliuza:

Tumejifunza kuwa umri wa nyota jua ni miaka Bilioni 4 na nusu, Je umri wa jua unapimwaje ? Na je, jua linazeeka au kupunguza mwanga wake au nguvu yake kuanzia lilipoumbwa?

  1. Noela Erick aliuliza:

     Katika masomo ya Jiografia na Sayansi tumejifunza kuwa Nishati huweza kuhifadhiwa kwa muda mrefu, Je mataifa duniani mwote  hayaoni umuhimu wa kuwa na hifadhi kubwa ya nishati itokanayo na jua kama wanavyohifadhi nishati ya mafuta kama vile Petroli, dizeli na mafuta ya taa?

  1. Aneth Aristides aliuliza:

    Nini maana ya Nuclear  fussion, na je ina umuhimu gani  katika maisha yetu ya kila siku?

  1. Emaculata Pauli aliuliza:

     Tumejifunza kwamba jua linatoa joto zaidi ya nyuzi Bilioni za joto na sehemu ya uso wake hutoa joto nyuzi 6000°C, je ni kwanini katika Viwanda vikubwa duniani havitumia joto la jua katika kuyeyusha vyuma vizito na vitu vingine   vinavyohitaji joto kubwa ili kuyeyushwa?

 Wapendwa haya ni baadhi tu ya maswali  yatokanayo na kipindi hicho  ni matumaini yetu kuwa majibu yenu yatatupatia uelewa zaidi. 

Curious, Astro-Science questions from Ilboru Primary School

Curious questions below were asked by primary schools students from Ilboru secondary school following a Science Club session on understanding and exploring the Sun as a Star using protective Sun sunglasses. These students are always happy to learn and share their learning with others through this blog, please get in touch with Eliatosha if you would like to learn with his students by responding to questions below or engaging in discussion with them through eliatosha@gmail.com

  1. Clara Elirehema asked:

            Here in the world, there are a variety of minerals that are very important in the production of various substances, do not experts see the importance of using solar gases such as Hydrogen gas which is more than 92 percent, Helium 83 percent that makes up the sun?

  1. Rebeca Abraham asked:

        What devices are used to detect and measure the sun and what are the devices from which nations?

  1. Caren James asked:

      We learn that there are scientists and various countries in the world that have used and sent satellites to the sky along with scientists on the Moon. Are there scientists who have gone to the Sun? And does the Sun have a solid surface like the one on Earth? 

  1. Emperor Abasi asked:

     What effect does solar wind have on living organisms or what effects if it reaches the earth?

  1. Grace Florence asked:

 We have learned that the age of the solar star is 4 and a half Billion years, How is the age of the sun measured? And does the sun age or diminish its light or energy from its formation?

  1. Noela Erick asked:

      In the study of Geography and Science, we have learned that Energy can be stored for a long time. Don’t countries see the potential to store solar energy as they do for oil reserves like petroleum, diesel, and gasoline? 

  1. Aneth Aristides asked:

     What is the meaning of Nuclear fusion, and how important is it in our daily lives?

  1. Emaculata Paul asked:

      We have learned that the sun heats up more than a billion degrees Celsius and its surface heats up to 6000°C, why is it that big industries are not using solar energy to melt heavy metals and other materials that need to high temperature to be melted?

Please engage in discussion or share your response. Our children will love to hear what you think of their questions and answers.

Q&A about Meteors

asteroid impact

Eliatosha writes:

> Many greetings to you and your family, I and my students & my family we are well and they greet you very much.
> On Friday 01/10/2021 the students of Ilboru Primary School had a period about meteor show and they were very happy to listen to some podcast about meteor show which gave them more thirst to know more and the various pictures I downloaded on the internet that makes them to be very happy because they see meteor every day during the night.
> In addition to their curiosity, they had various questions:
> Joyce Peter asked:
> 1. Why do we see meteors at night but during the day we cannot see meteors, does it mean that the meteors are not present in our atmosphere during day time?.

Meteorites plummet through the atmosphere at all hours of the day and night. But by day we cannot see them in comparison to the bright light of the sun. This is similar to shining a torch by day, it is very difficult to see; but at night it is quite bright.

> 2. What are the objects made of meteors? what makes them looks like a fiery stone?

They are in fact fiery stone! Meteors are made of rock and dust. Comets too are made of dust, but with more water ice. They are the original building blocks of our solar system, left-overs from the very early time when gravity brought the dust of our solar system together to form small nuggets, clumps, asteroids, comets, and eventually planets and their moons (many of which are asteroids captured by the gravity of the planets).

Just as when you drive a car at high speed you can feel the wind pushing against the front glass, slowing the car, the air resists the movement of the meteor through friction. Friction produces heat. So much heat that the rock melts and glows. This is what we see.

Keep in mind that while a car moves as 100 or more kilometers per hour, meteors are traveling at tens of thousands of kilometers per hour.

> 3. What effect do meteors have on living organisms if they fall to the ground?

Most meteors are the size of a grain of sand and never touch the ground. They burn-up completely. Yes, a grain of sand so hot you can see it from far away! But the bigger meteors (size of a baseball or football or more) can reach the ground and impact.

We know that the dinosaurs were wiped out due to a massive meteor impact 65 million years ago. It would have caused a massive fire to spread across the planet, followed by years of dust that blocked the sun.

Article: https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2021/02/new-theory-behind-asteroid-that-killed-the-dinosaurs/

Nearly all of the dinosaurs died out, leaving the birds we have today (yes, birds are the last remaining dinosaurs). With the dinosaurs gone, the mammals were allowed to diversify and prosper.

Much of the water on our planet arrived (and continues to arrive) through the impact of meteors (very little water) and comets (more water). If the meteorite is small, it only adds trace amounts of iron and other elements to our atmosphere, maybe to the ground if it impacts.

Meteor Crater, Arizona

I have attached two images:

a) An artist painting of a meteor impact. If in fact one this large were to hit our planet, it would destroy the entire planet. (top)

b) A photograph of Meteor Crater, Arizona (just north of where I live) is a world-famous impact site of a meteor. It is famous because it is so well preserved. The rock that made this giant hole was only a few meters in diameter, but traveling at incredibly high speed.

Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meteor_Crater

While meteors enter our atmosphere every day, the most recent, note worthy impact was just a few years ago:

Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelyabinsk_meteor

> Miriam John asked:
> 4. When a meteors falls to the ground it stays on the ground or there are objects that sink into the ground and why ?.

Upon impact it breaks into many small fragments. You can find these pieces if you know what you are looking for!

> Peter Elieta asked:
> 5. What are the benefits of meteors in the lives of humans or other living things?

They add iron, water, and excitement and joy to our lives. Without meteors, you would not be asking these great questions! 🙂 They also teach us about the formation of our solar system and planet, and have even given us samples of Mars. Yes, some of the rocks on this planet are from Mars. A long time ago, in the early formation of our solar system, there were far more asteroids moving between the planets. One or more of them struck Mars so hard that it sent debris into space, some of which arrived to Earth.

> 6. How big are meteors? And why do the burning particles not fall to the ground as the mineral contains what minerals?

(see above)

> 7. Why do meteor showers occur in December each year and not other months? What is the secret in that month?

There are many meteor showers, happening all year long. As the Earth is moving in its orbit, it passes through dust and debris fields, year after year, decade after decade, just as you might go to visit a certain relative for particular holidays 🙂 This debris is sometimes the tail of a comet or the remnants of an asteroid.

Here is a full explanation and list:

> 8. Belinda Allen asked:
> What is the significance of meteorites in our world?

(see above)

> 9. We hear in various news that a meteor is about to hit our planet? Did it not burn itself out of the way to the earth? Where did it threaten ?.

Astronomers are tracking tens of thousands of “near Earth objects”, asteroids and comets that are considered close to our planet in their orbit. Some come by each year, some only once every dozen or even hundred years. By carefully tracking them in space (using telescopes and a kind of radar) we can determine their orbital path and predict if they will hit the Earth.

Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-Earth_object

There are a few we are concerned about, and so defense systems are being designed to push them just a bit (using rockets or lasers), thus changing their orbit to miss the Earth.

> With these few questions we would like to express our sincere gratitude for the great help you are giving us in collaboration with our teacher in building our capacity to know our atmosphere as well as the various objects in the sky.
> We are looking forward to hear different views and answers from you.


We all Hear and Learn Together at Once!

There are many of us, interested in space and astronomy education. It is however not easy for our teacher to bring all of us together in the class and make us listen to the Eyes in the Sky podcasts through his mobile phone. 

This time, this shall no longer be the case. We have a rechargeable, big blue tooth speaker, that is loud for all of us in the class to hear. Even from the far back of the class.  Our teacher bought this for us, through a donation from one of our countrymen in Tanzania, who understands the challenge we face. 

MMAO speaker We also learn better by watching, our teacher has been showing us pictures using his laptop computer. It is not easy for all of us to go through the screen and watch the pictures. Some of us have to let go and hear from those who made it to the screen. This could also be better if have a projector to project pictures and video on the screen. 

We asked our teacher to bring us a project. With your support, we hope he will manage to improve our learning environment with this needed device. 

Maswali ya Wanafunzi Kuhusu Vimondo

asteroid impact
Siku ya Ijumaa tarehe 01/10/2021 wanafunzi wa shule ya msingi ya Ilboru katika klabu yao ya sayansi walikuwa na kipindi kilichohusu vimondo na walifurahi sana kusikiliza kipindi cha Macho Angani kilichohusu Vimondo.
Kipindi hiko kiliwapa  kiu ya kutaka kujua zaidi mambo mbali mbali kuhusu vimondo vya angani. Mwalimu wao Eliatosha Maleko, aliwaonyesha pia picha mbali mbali za kimondo alizozipakua kwenye mtandao.  Wanafunzi walifurahi sana maana ni vitu wanavyovipenda nyakati za usiku.
Baada ya kipindi hicho wanafunzi hao walikuwa na maswali haya:-
Joyce Peter aliuliza:
1. Kwanini tunaona Vimondo nyakati za usiku lakini mchana hatuwezi kuona Vimondo, ina maana mcha huwa havipo katika anga letu?
Jibu: Vimondo vinakatiza angani wakati wote mchana na usiku. Lakini hatuwezi kuviona kutokana na mwanga ang’avu wa Jua. Hii ni sawa na kuwasha tochi mchana, ambapo ni vigumu sana kuuona mwanga wake, lakini ikiwa usiku kwenye giza ni rahisu kuuona mwanga wa tochi. 
2. Vimondo vimeundwa na vitu gani? nani kwanini vilishika huwa vinaonekana kama mawe yenye moto?
Jibu: Hakika vimondo ni mawe yenye moto! Yaliyotengenezwa kwa miamba na mavumbi. Vimondo pia vimetengenezwa kwa mavumbi lakini zaidi ni barafu linalotokana na maji. Hivi ndivyo vilivyopelekea kufanyika kwa mfumo wa Jua, mabaki ya zamani kabisa pale nguvu ya uvutano ilipoleta mavumbi katika mfumo wetu wa Jua na kutengeneza vitu mbali mbali hadi tukawa na sayari na miezi yake. (ambapo mingi ni vimondo vilivyovutwa na nguvu ya uvutaji ya sayari). Kama ampapo ukiwa kwenye gari katika mwendo wa kasi unahisi upepo unapiga kioo cha mbele na kupunguza mwendo wa gari, hewa pia inakinzana na kudondoka kwa kimondo na kusababisha msuguano. Msuguano mkubwa unaosababisha mwamba kuyeyuka na kuanza kuwaka moto. Na hiki ndicho sisi hukiona. Fahamu kuwa gari huwa linakimbia kwa spidi ya kilimita 100 kwa saa, vimondo hukimbia katika spidi ambayo ni mara kumi hadi elfu zaidi yake kwa saa.
3. Vimondo vina athari gani kwa viumbe hai ikiwa vitadondoka ardhini?

Jibu: Vimondo vingi ni saizi ya chembe ya mchanga na mara nyingi havifiki ardhini kabla havijaungua kabisa. Ndio, ni chembe ya mchanga  yenye moto sana unayoweza kuiona kutoka mbali! Lakini kwa vimondo vikubwa (saizi ya mpira wa tenesi au mpira wa miguu au zaidi) vinaweza kufikia ardhini na kuleta athari. Tunajua kwamba mijusi mikubwa ya dinosaurs ilipotea kwa sababu ya athari kubwa ya kimondo miaka milioni 65 iliyopita. Kimondo kikitua ardhini kinaweza kusababisha moto mkubwa kuenea kote Duniani, ukifuatiwa na vumbi la moshi kwa miaka mingi ambalo linazuia miale ya Jua.

Makala: https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2021/02/new-theory-behind-asteroid-that-killed-the-dinosaurs/

Karibu dinosaurs wote zilikufa, ukiacha ndege tunaowaona leo (ndio, ndege ndio dinosaurs wa mwisho waliobaki). Kutokana na kuondoka kwa dinosaurs mamalia walipata nafasi ya kuzaliana zaidi na kukua zaidi.

Maji mengi kwenye sayari yetu yalifika (na yanaendelea kuwasili) kupitia athari za vimondo (vyenye maji kidogo ) na comets (zenye maji mengi). Ikiwa kimondo ni kidogo, kinaongeza kiasi kidogo tu cha chuma na vitu vingine kwenye anga letu na ardhini ikiwa.

Nimeambatanisha picha mbili: a) Picha ya kuchoraji juu ya athari ya kimondo. Ikiwa kitaikumba sayari yetu na kuharibu sayari nzima. (juu) b) Picha ya shimo la kimondo lililopo, Arizona (kaskazini tu mwa ninakoishi) ambalo ni shimo maarufu juu ya athari ya kimondo kikiipiga Dunia.

Meteor Crater, ArizonaNi maarufu kwa sababu limehifadhiwa vizuri. Kimondo kilichofanya shimo hili kubwa, kilikuwa wa kipenyo cha mita chache tu, lakini kilisafiri kwa mwendo wa kasi sana.

Makala: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meteor_Crater

Wakati vimondo vinaingia kwenye anga letu kila siku, na athari ya hivi karibuni, inayostahili kukumbukwa ilikuwa ni miaka michache iliyopita:

Kifungu: https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki / Chelyabinsk_meteor

Miriam John aliuliza:
4. Kimondo kinapodoka ardhini kinabakia juu ya ardhi au vipo vinavyozama ndani ya ardhi na ni kwanini?
Jibu: Kimondo kikipiga Dunia, huvunjika katika vipande vidogo vidogo. Unaweza kuvipata hivi vipande kama unajua ni nini haswa unakitafuta!
Peter Elieta aliuliza:
5. Vimondo vinafaida gani katika maisha ya mwanadamu au viumbe hai wengine?
Jibu: Vinaongeza madini ya chuma, maji, shauku na furaha katika maisha yetu. Bila vimondo, usingekuwa unauliza maswali haya mazuri!
6. Vimondo vinakuwa na ukubwa gani? Na je ni kwanini vipisi vinavyoungua havianguki na kufika chini kwani kinachoungu kinakuwa na madini gani?
Jibu: (Angalia jibu hapo juu)
7. Kwanini mvua ya Vimondo hutokea mwezi Desemba kila mwaka na sio miezi mingine je nini siri iliyoko katika mwezi huo?  
Jibu: Kuna vimondo vingi vinavyokatiza usiku kwa mwaka mzima. Kadri Dunia inavyopita katika njia yake, inakatiza katika mavumbi na mabaki ya miamba huko angani, kwa mwaka hadi mwaka, miongo na hata miongo, kama ambavyo wewe unaweza kuwa unaenda kumtembelea ndugu yako wakati wa likizo. 
Maelezo kamili na orodha ipo hapa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meteor_shower
8. Belinda Allen aliuliza: Je kimondo/ Vimondo vina umuhimu gani katika dunia yetu?
Jibu: (Angalia jibu hapo juu)
9.Tuliwahi kusikia katika habari mbalimbali kuwa kuna kimondo kinachokaribia kuigonga dunia yetu je? Je chenyewe hakikuungua kilitoka katika njia ya kuja duniani? au kimeishia wapi?
Jibu: Wanaanga wanafuatilia kwa ukaribu vitu zaidi ya maelfu ambavyo vinazunguka karibu na sayari njia ya sayari yetu (obiti) Dunia. Vipo ambavyo vinakuja karibu na Dunia kila mwaka, vingine kila baada ya miongo kadhaa au hata karne. Kwa kuangalia vitu hivi kwa ukaribu (kwa kutumia darubini na radar) tunaweza kufahamu njia zake na kutabiri kama vitaigonga Dunia au lah.
Makala: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-Earth_object
Kuna vimondo vichache ambavyo tuna wasi wasi navyo, hivyo njia za ulinzi zimekuwa zikitengenezwa ili kuvisukuma mbali hata kidogo kwa kutumia rocketi na miale na kubadilisha njia zao kuelekea Duniani.
Kwa maneno haya machache, tunapenda kuelezea hisia zetu za dhati kwa masaada mkubwa mnaotupa kwa kushirikiana na mwalimu wetu katika kujenga uwezo wetu wa kufahamu kuhusu anga letu na vitu mbali mbali vilivyopo angani.
Hakika haya ni maswali ya udadi yaliyojengwa na shauku ya kutaka kujua na kufahamu zaidi.
On Friday 01/10/2021 students from Ilboru Primary School learned about meteorites through Eyes in the Sky Swahili Podcast known as Macho Angani by Ingo Koll.
The podcast gave them a thirst to know more about meteorites in the heavens above. Pictures downloaded by their teacher Mr. Eliatosha Maleko helped them to imagine how the meteor looks. Students were very happy because are used to see meteors every day during the night.
In addition to their curiosity, they had various questions which were responded to by Kai Staats as follows:-
Joyce Peter asked:
1. Why do we see meteors at night but during the day we cannot see meteors, does it mean that the meteors are not present in our atmosphere during day time?
Answer: Meteorites plummet through the atmosphere at all hours of the day and night. But by day we cannot see them in comparison to the bright light of the sun. This is similar to shining a torch by day, it is very difficult to see, but at night it is quite bright.
2. What are the objects made of meteors? what makes them looks like fiery stone?
Answer: They are in fact fiery stone! Meteors are made of rock and dust. Comets too are made of dust, but with more water ice. They are the original building blocks of our solar system, left-overs from the very early time when gravity brought the dust of our solar system together to form small nuggets, clumps, asteroids, comets, and eventually planets and their moons (many of which are asteroids captured by the gravity of the planets). Just as when you drive a car at high speed you can feel the wind pushing against the front glass, slowing the car, the air resists the movement of the meteor through friction. Friction produces heat. So much heat that the rock melts and glows. This is what we see. Keep in mind that while a car moves as 100 or more kilometers per hour, meteors are traveling at tens of thousands of kilometers per hour.
3. What effect do meteors have on living organisms if they fall to the ground?
Answer: Most meteors are the size of a grain of sand and never touch the ground. They burn up completely. Yes, a grain of sand so hot you can see it from far away! But the bigger meteors (size of a baseball or football or more) can reach the ground and impact. We know that the dinosaurs were wiped out due to a massive meteor impact 65 million years ago. It would have caused a massive fire to spread across the planet, followed by years of dust that blocked the sun.
Nearly all of the dinosaurs died out, leaving the birds we have today (yes, birds are the last remaining dinosaurs). With the dinosaurs gone, the mammals were allowed to diversify and prosper.
Much of the water on our planet arrived (and continues to arrive) through the impact of meteors (very little water) and comets (more water). If the meteorite is small, it only adds trace amounts of iron and other elements to our atmosphere, maybe to the ground if it impacts.
Meteor Crater, ArizonaI have attached two images: a) An artist painting of a meteor impact. If in fact, one this large were to hit our planet, it would destroy the entire planet. (top) b) A photograph of Meteor Crater, Arizona (just north of where I live) is a world-famous impact site of a meteor.
It is famous because it is so well preserved. The rock that made this giant hole was only a few meters in diameter, but traveling at incredibly high speed.
Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meteor_Crater While meteors enter our atmosphere every day, the most recent, note-worthy impact was just a few years ago: Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelyabinsk_meteor
Miriam John asked: 4. When a meteor falls to the ground it stays on the ground or there are objects that sink into the ground and why?
Answer: Upon impact, it breaks into many small fragments. You can find these pieces if you know what you are looking for!
Peter Elieta asked:
5. What are the benefits of meteors in the lives of humans or other living things?
Answer: They add iron, water, and excitement and joy to our lives. Without meteors, you would not be asking these great questions!
6. How big are meteors? And why do the burning particles not fall to the ground as the mineral contains what minerals?
Answer: (see above)
7. Why do meteor showers occur in December each year and not other months? What is the secret in that month?
Answer: There are many meteor showers, happening all year long. As the Earth is moving in its orbit, it passes through dust and debris fields, year after year, decade after decade, just as you might go to visit a certain relative for particular holidays Here is a full explanation and list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meteor_shower  
8. Belinda Allen asked: What is the significance of meteorites in our world? Answer: (see above)
9. We hear in various news that a meteor is about to hit our planet? Did it not burn itself out of the way to the earth? Where did it threaten?
Answer: Astronomers are tracking tens of thousands of “near-Earth objects”, asteroids and comets that are considered close to our planet in their orbit. Some come by each year, some only once every dozen or even a hundred years. By carefully tracking them in space (using telescopes and a kind of radar) we can determine their orbital path and predict if they will hit the Earth.
Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-Earth_object
There are a few we are concerned about, and so defense systems are being designed to push them just a bit (using rockets or lasers), thus changing their orbit to miss the Earth.
With these few questions, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for the great help you are giving us in collaboration with our teacher in building our capacity to know our atmosphere as well as the various objects in the sky.
These are for sure great questions, built on the curiousity to know more.
Nchini Tanzania tuna Kimondo cha mbozi ambacho unaweza kusoma zaidi hapa.

Teachers’ First Light at Mt. Meru Observatory 

Twelve teachers from Nshupu Secondary School in the Arusha region paid a visit to Mt. Meru Astronomy Observatory. It was the first visit of its kind with so many teachers at once observing the night sky at the observatory. 

The visit was organized, by the academic office of the Nshupu secondary school lead by Mr. Rashid Mkwinda. It was the first time the teachers closely observing the heavenly bodies using a  big telescope. 

The late Chuck Ruehle, the man behind the observatory establishment would be pleased to be there for this moment. Though we can’t fill his presence, we believe his spirit is cherishing this moment with us all.

It was his vision, for the observatory to be the center for science education and learning.  This day was for sure a starting point for that. 

Teachers’ first light experience was decorated with an observation of the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus using both big and small telescopes at the observatory. 

Craters of the moon and color patterns, Jupiter’s moons, and Saturn rings are some of the good memories of the day that will remain with teachers for long. It is certain, some of the experience will be used in the classrooms to foster learning. 

Discussion on their experience is already ongoing on Facebook where more teachers are inspired to visit the observatory to experience their first light. 

Useful suggestions were also provided by the teacher to enhance the observation experience. Being the first time the observatory receive that big number of teachers, it was recommended to connect the big telescope with the LCD screen in the observatory for easy observation.

This could also address the challenge for tall people who had squit to observe through the eyepiece for shorter ones not to reach the eyepiece.  We welcome experiences from other observatories on how they managed to address similar challenges. 



Maswali na Majibu Kuhusu Sayari na Nyota

Ufahamu kuhusu sayari unafundishwa katika ngazi ya shule ya msingi na sekondari nchini Tanzania. Walimu, wanafunzi na wazazi wanaweza kudhani kuwa wanaufahamu wa kutosha kuhusu sayari. Hata hivyo, kipindi cha macho angani kuhusu sayari bado kimeibua maswali na udadi zaidi juu ya ufahamu kuhusu sayari. 

Yafuatayo ni baadhi ya maswali na majibu kuhusu sayari yaliyoulizwa na wanafunzi kutoka shule ya msingi Ilboru kwa kushirikiana na mwalimu wao Eliatosha Maleko na kujibiwa na Mchungaji Ingo Koll aliyeanza kwa kusema.

“Vijana wapendwa katika klabu ya sayansi, nimepokea maswali yenu. Asanteni sana! Basi hapa majibu yangu!”

 1. Maliki Abasi aliuliza:  Kwanini Sayari zote haziwezi kuonekana kwa wakati mmoja kama zinavyooneka baadhi ya Sayari kama vile Jupiter, Saturn , Mars, na Venusi  wakati huu? Nini sababu ya msingi?.

Jibu: Kama ungeweza kupanda chombo cha anga nje na kwenda mbali kidogo katika anga-nje, ungeweza kuona sayari zote kwa wakati moja. Ila tukiwa duniani, hatuwezi. Kwanza Sayari hazikai mahali pamoja. Kila sayari inazunguka Jua kwa kasi yake tofauti na kwa umbali mkubwa kati yake. Pili  tunaona nusu ya anga tu, nusu nyingine hatuioni, inaonekana  upande mwingine wa Dunia. Tatu wakati Sayari iko upande mwingine wa Jua, hatuioni. 

2. Neema Florence aliuza: Ni kwanini Sayari hazitoi  nuru yake pekee yake na kutegemea nuru itokanayo na Nyota ya jua?

Jibu: Asante Florence, swali lako ni zuri lakini halihusu sayari pekee. Kwa nini kuna vitu vinavyotoa nuru lakini vingine ambavyo ni vingi vinaakisi nuru tu?Hapa Dunaini ni vitu gani vinavyotoa nuru? Mshumaa, balbu katika taa na Moto. Vitu vyote vingine havitoi nuru, vinaakisi tu. Hali hiyo tunaona tukizima taa usiku. Kuna giza. Tukjiwasha tunaona vitu ambavyo vinaakisia nuru ya taa.

Jua pamoja na nyota kwa jumla ni magimba yanayotoa nuru. Sayari ni magimba ambayo hayana nuru yenyewe, yanaakisi nuru,

Tofati kuu ni, ndani ya nyota kuna mabadiliko ambamo atomu zinapasuliwa na kuunganishwa upya. Katika kazi hii nishati nyingi inaachishwa. Sehemu ya nishati hiyo tunaona kama nuru.

Kwenye sayari mabadiliko hayo hayatokei kwa sababu ni ndogo. Unahitaji masi kubwa sana ili nguvu ya graviti igandamize atomu kiasi cha kwamba zianze kuachana na kuungana upya.  

 3.Clara aliuliza: Tunaelewa kuwa Sayari pekee ambayo ni dunia ndio Sayari pekee ambamo viumbe hai mbalimbali hupatikana humo, Je katika Sayari nyingine hasa zile zilizokaribu na jua wanasayansi hawajawahi kutoa majibu ya uwezekano wa kuwa na viumbe hai kama ilivyo katika Sayari ya dunia?.

Jibu: Kwa elimu tuliyo nayo sasa inaeleweka kwamba Dunia ni sayari ya pekee penye uhai kama tunaoufahamu. Utaridi (Mercury) iko karibu na Jua, kuna mnururisho mkali kutoka kwenye Jua, hakuna angahewa, joto upande wa mchana yaani upande unapotazama Jua ni kali. Vivo hivyo baridi kwa upande wa usiku ni kali. Hivyo hakuna uhai unaweza kudumu huko.

Zuhuru (Venus) ina joto la kudumu la zaidi ya nyuzi 400 kote. Hakuna uhai unaoweza kudumu huko. Wataalamu walichunguza kama labda kuna uwezekano wa aina ya bakteria wanaoelea kwenye mawingu ya angahewa lakini hilo halikuthibitishwa.

Mirihi (Mars) ina angahewa hafifu mno, karibu hakuna. Tena ni baridi. Magari ya utafiti yaliyopo sasa yanatafuta dalili za uhai, labda bakteria fulani lakini hadi sasa hakuna dalili zilizopatikana; wataalamu wengi huamini hakuna dalili za uhai.

Kuna sehemu moja ambako wataalamu wachache wanataka kufanya utafiti, ambayo ni mwezi mkubwa  wa Zohali unaoitwa Titani. Hata hapa wengi hudhani hamna lakini siku moja kipimaanga kitapelekwa Titani na kufanya vipimo kutambua kama namna sahili ya uhai kama bakteria inaweza kuwepo.

4.Daniel Willfred aliuliza: Tulipokuwa tunasikiliza kipindi tulisikia kuwa nyota zina joto kali sana je ina maana gani je nyota huzalisha joto kutoka wapi ilhali  tumejifunza kuwa SAYARI pamoja na nyota zote zinategemea Jua ili ziweze kuakisi mwanga wake?.

Jibu: Joto la nyota hutoka ndani yake. Jotohutokana na masi kubwa sana ya gesi. Masi hiyo kubwa inajikaza kutokana na nguvu ya mvutano au nguvu ya graviti. Kujikaza kwake kunasababisha shinikizo kali kiasi kwamba atomu zenyewe zinaanza kuachana.

Kila atomu huundwa na chembe ndogo zaidi tunazoiita protoni, nyutroni na elektroni. Kwa kawaida atomu huwa na muundo imara kabisa. Lakini kama inaathiriwa na kani kubwa sana, chembe hizo ndani yake zinaweza kuachana na kuungana upya. Wakati chembe hizo huaachana na kujipanga upya, nishati inaachishwa tunayoona kwa umbo la joto na nuru. 

Kwa sehemu ya sentensi yako hapa hujaelewa sawa. Sayari ni ndogo kuliko Jua na hapa hakuna kuachana kwa atomu ndani yake. Hivyo hazing‘ai hazitoi nuru; zinaakisi mwanga.

Lakini nyota hazipokei mwanga kutoka kwenye Jua, hivyo haziakisi. Kila nyota ni kama Jua letu, mara nyingi kubwa zaidi. Tunaziona kama mianga midogo kwa sababu ziko mbali.    

 Rith Piniel aliuliza: Ni kwanini nyota haibadiliki na kila siku zinakua ni zile zile au kunakuwaga na mabadiliko ya nyota?.

Jibu: Maishani mwetu hatuoni mabadiliko ya nyota kwa macho yetu, isipokuwa kwa kutumia mitambo inayoweza kupima kwa umakini mkubwa.

Nyota zote zinasogea katika anga kuelekea nje, tena kwa kasi tofauti baina yake. Kutokana na umbali mkubwa uliopo hatulihisi hili katika wakati wa maisha yetu. Lakini wajukuu wa wajukuu wetu wataona nyota kwenye nafasi iliyo tofauti na iliyopo leo. Wataona pia nyota ambazo sisi hatuwezi kuona kwa sababu kwa wakati huu zinaonekana kwenye kizio cha kaskazini cha Dunia tu.

 6. Aneth Alistides aliuliza: Je nyota hufa kama viumbe walioko ulimwenguni na zinapokufa huenda wapi? 

Jibu: Maisha na kifo cha nyota ni tofauti sana na maisha na kifo cha viumbe wa duniani maana si viumbe hai. Lakini hata nyota huwa na mwanzo na mwisho. Hapo tunaweza kusema kuna Maisha ya nyota, nyota inazaliwa, nyota inakufa“. 

Mabadiliko hayo hutokea katika ki/vipindi virefu sana vya miaka mabilioni, kwa hiyo hatuwezi kuona mabadiliko hayo katika maisha yetu wala kupata madhara yake. 

Wataalamu wengi hudhani kwamba Jua letu litakufa baada ya miaka bilioni kadhaa.  

Wakati nyota inakufa, yale yanayofuata hutegemeana na ukubwa wake. Nyota kubwa sana hufa katika mlipuko. Inapokufa vitu vilivyomo ndani yake vyote hulipuka na kutawanyika na kusambaa katika uwazi wa anga inayoizunguka. Vipande hivi huelea angani kama wingu, hadi,  baada ya muda mrefu,  vinakamatwa na nguvu ya uvutano au nyota nyingine iliyo karibu, labda na wingu kubwa zaidi ambalo litaanza kuvivuta kwake.

Kwa hiyo  mabaki ya nyota iliyokufa, yanaweza kuwa sehemu ya nyota mpya na sayari zake. 

 Na je nini madhara ya kufa kwa nyota katika maisha ya  mwanadamu au viumbe hai?

Jibu: Kwanza kuna faida ya kufa kwa nyota. Maana miili yetu ina asili katika nyota. Namna gani?

Tumejifunza miili yetu imejengwa na seli. Seli zimejengwa na nini? Tunajua mwili wetu unabadilisha virutubisho tunavyopata katika chakula. Lakini hivi vimeundwa na nini? 

Hapa tunaweza kuwauliza wanakemia ambao watajibu: Seli za mwili na pia chakula tunachokula vimefanywa na molekuli mbalimbali. Molekuli zinaundwa kwa kuunganisha atomu za elementi mbalimbali. Kwa jumla tunajua takribani elementi 90 zinazounda kila kitu, takriban elementi 30 zinajenga miili yetu. Isipokuwa elementi ya haidrojeni, zote nyingine zilizoundwa ndani ya nyota na kusambaa katika ulimwengu kwa njia ya milipuko ya nyota miaka bilioni iliyopita.

Kwa njia hiyo zilifika pia katika wingu la atomu lililoendelea kuwa Jua letu na sayari zetu.

Kutokana na milipuko ya nyota zilizopita elementi hizi zimefika pia duniani na hivyo viliweza kupatikana kwa miili yetu.

Bila kifo cha nyota zilizotangulia tunsingekuwepo.

Upande wa madhara – hilo ni swali pana na la mbali sana. Kifo cha nyota kinaweza kutokea kwa njia ya mlipuko. Tunajua mlipuko wa karibu una hatari.  Kama nyota iliyo karibu ingelipuka, ingeweza kutuathiri. 

Lakini mlipuko wa nyota hautokei mara kwa mara katika mazingira ya Jua letu. Wataalamu wamechungulia nyota zote zinazopatikana katika umbali wa miaka ya nuru 100 – hawakutambua yoyote inayoonyesha dalili za kukaribia mwisho wa maisha yake. Zile ambazo zimetambuliwa kukaribia mwisho ziko mbali mno. 

Uwezekano mkubwa ni: katika miaka mielfu inayokuja, hakuna mlipuko wa nyota inayoweza kuathiri dunia.

 7. Kwanini nyota nyingi hushuka kutoka Magharibi na sio Mashariki  na nikawa ni nini?

Jibu: Naomba swali hili mjibu ninyi wenyewe kwa pamoja! Nitaongeza jibu langu mwishoni kabisa baada ya swali lenu la mwisho.

 8. Emaculata aliuliza: Je nyota zimeundwa na nini? Je zinakuwa na anga lake na ardhi kama ilivyo  katika  Sayari ya dunia?.

Jibu: Nyota ni tofauti na sayari kwa muundo, ukubwa na halijoto. Kila nyota ni gimba kubwa sana la gesi ambayo ina joto sana, halijoto inafikia nyuzi milioni. Gesi ya nyota iko katika hali ya kipekee inayoitwa plazma, au kwa neno  Sababu ya joto ni moto ya pekee inayoendelea mfululizo ndani ya kila nyota, Ni moto ya pekee kwa sababu kila nyota ina sehemu ndani yake ambako atomu zinaachana na kuunganishwa na hapo kuna nishati nyingi inayoachishwa kwa umbo la joto na nuru.

Sayari ni magimba ambayo ni makubwa kwa macho yetu lakini tukilinganisha na nyota ni madogo. Kwa mfano sayari zote kwenye mfumo wa Jua letu ni kama asilimia moja ya masi ya Jua. Kati ya sayari hizo Mshtarii peke yake ina masi kubwa kushinda sayari zote nyingine kwa pamoja.

Ndani ya sayari hakuna moto wa kudumu inaounganisha atomu, hivyo zimepoa.

Sasa naongeza jibu langu kuhusu swali la saba_ 7: Sababu za nyota kushuka magharibi ni sawa na sababu ya Jua kushuka magharibi. Maana hali halisi nyota na Jua hazipandi wala kushuka.

Ziko palepale na maishani mwetu hazibadiliki.

Lakini sisi tunazunguka. Au niseme kikamilifu zaidi: Dunia yetu inajizungusha pamoja nasi tulipo kwenye uso wake.

Upande wa mashariki tunapozungushwa tunaona Jua na nyota hupanda juu ya upeo wa macho. Baada ya saa 12 hivi,  tumepita chini ya nyota na Jua na sasa upeo wa macho wa upande mwingine unakaribia nafasi zilipo. 

Kila kitu kwenye anga kinaonekana kupanda upande wa mashariki na kushuka upande wa magharibi, kwa sababu huo ndio mwelekeo wa mzunguko wa sayari yetu.