Per the previous posts, the MMAO Distance Learning program has reached all students who have internet at home, in the immediate schools where our Ambassadors teach. We are now working to reach the hundreds of students who do not have access to the internet via smart phone.
As the Tanzania government has closed the schools to reduce infection by COVID19, solicitation of funds from parents is not permitted yet many schools do not have the funds without tuition to pay for printing supplies.
Through our fund raising campaign we are able to supply paper and ink and in some cases, use of a printer where the school does not have one appropriate for the job.
Eliatosha, MMAO Ambassador and teacher at Ilburo Elementary School for the hearing and seeing impaired writes, “Yesterday I was discussing how to prepare and to deliver ‘home packages’ to the students with the Ward education Officer and Headteacher. For sure they were having many many questions such as, How much will a package will be cost? and how this can be done?
“I told them that parents will not be allowed to pay anything as per government rules and laws is concerned. Also we agreed that the package will be disseminated at the Ward office where by all village government and other leaders and Education officer will also be present. Therefore for sure they were very very happy for such big big assistance been given to the students during this hard period, also they promised me many support to make sure that things are moving well by calling parents and to post information as soon as possible.”